Works Cited

Butler, Steven. "Labs' Labor Lost in Japan". Online.

Clinton, Bill. "National Standards of Academic Excellence". Online. 13 February 1997.

Delise, James, R. "How Proficiency Tests Fall Short (Let Me Count the Ways)". Education Week. Online. 2 April 1997.

Foster, Catherine. "Achievement Tests Put Pressure on Students and Schools". The Christian Science Monitor. Online. http// May 24 1990.

Kirchoff, Sue. "House Blocks Clinton Education Testing Plan." Online. Reuters

Olds, Alan. Personal Interview, 5 November 1997.

Perrone, Vito. The Abuses of Standardized Testing. Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation: Bloomington Indiana. 1997.

"School Under Fire for Test Prepping ". Online. 18 May 1997

Speer, Tibbett L. "Great Schools, Cheap". American Demographics. July 1994. 42-47.

Strenio, Andrew, J. The Testing Trap. Rawson, Wade Publishers, Inc: New York. 1981.

Wagner, Betsy. "Schools for scandal." Online. UsNews. 7 October 1996.

Wiggins, Grant. "A True Test: Toward More Authentic and Equitable Assessment". Phi Delta Kappan. May 1989.


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